TY News

Irish Language Journalism Competition

Comhghairdeas mór to TY students Amy Mulcahy, Chloe Carroll, Niamh Browne, Iliya O Flaherty and Izabela Wrocławska who were selected as one of 5 finalists nationwide in the Irish language journalism competition ‘Iriseoirí an lae Amárach’. They submitted a fantastic all-platform news piece on WordPress which included a recording, a written article, an image and an audio clip. Their project examined the influence of social media on young people. They were treated to a tour of the TG4 studios and NUIG on Monday. The director general of TG4 presented them with their certificates in an awards ceremony in the Connemara Coast Hotel. Although they didn’t come home with the top prize, they were the only non gaelcholáiste school to reach the finals which was a great achievement. Maith sibh! 👏🏼

Comhghairdeas mór le daltaí na hidirbhliana Amy Mulcahy, Niamh Browne, Izabela Wrocławska, Iliya O’ Flaherty agus Chloe Carroll a bhain gearrliosta na mbuateoirí amach sa chomórtas ‘Iriseoirí an lae amárach.’ Rinne siad ana chuid oibre chun iontráil den scoth a chur le chéile bunaithe ar an topaic “Tionchar na Meán ar dhaoine óga” Bhain siad an-taitneamh as an turas go Gaillimh. Thug siad cuairt ar Ollscoil na Gaillimhe agus TG4. Bhronn Alan Esselmount ardstiúrthóir TG4 na teastais orthu i searmannas bronnta in Ostán Chois Farraige Connemara. Éacht iontach. Maith sibh!

Timmy Jones