VistaMilk SFI Research Centre - Moorepark Fermoy. Two of our TY students Sean O Callaghan and Sean Williams got the opportunity to take park in the transition year work experience programme last week in Moorepark, Fermoy.
Read MoreToday the TY students had the opportunity to hear the remarkable story of Ms. Michelle Herbert who suffered a cardiac arrest while playing a camogie match in 2016. Her life was saved by the quick thinking actions of her opponent Ms. Sarah Jane Curtin and several others present at the match.
Read MoreHuge well done to our TY French students who linked in with the 6th class in Scoil Mhuire na Trocaire to deliver some fun and active lessons en français. Huge thanks also to the 6th class teacher Ms. O’Shaughnessy for giving the students time to engage with our TY’s today.
Read MoreSome of our Transition Year Mini-Company groups taking part in the North Cork Student Enterprise Awards in Springfort hall.
Read MoreThe TY students took their First year Buddies on the dance floor for a Céilí as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge activities. Maith sibh.
Read MoreOur TY students put their driving abilities to the test when they spent some time on the driving track at Munster Driving Campus during the week.
Read MoreThe TY students welcomed Rosie from Animal Magic on Tuesday last who brought along a variety of native and non native animals.
Read MoreWell Done to Mia, Elly and Niamh on designing Half Zips for their year group as part of their Transition Year Mini Company programme. Many thanks to Cobi Sports for supplying us with the half zips 👏🏻
Read MoreLove was in the air in the Colaiste this week! Mighty well done to our Transition Year students who organised the sale of roses in our school where all proceeds went towards The Cliona Ring Foundation.
Read MoreOur Transition Years students enjoyed a bonding session with a trip to Ballyhoura Biketrails. The Students enjoyed mountain biking and a guided walk.
Read MoreElla, Kate, Aishing, Saidhbh and Aisling are fundraising for Cliona's Foundation this year.
Read MoreTY students took part in a forensic science interactive workshop which investigated all the evidence around the shooting of JFK and the subsequent arrest of Oswald. They were presented with many small activities which they had to conduct themselves including taking fingerprints, testing for gunshot residue etc.
Read MoreOur T.Y. Students have completed a “First Aid Course" over the past week. They will each receive a First Aid Cert to add to their final year portfolio or CV.
Read MoreHuge well done to our TY team Reuben, Aidan and Billy who had their interview in Thomand Park earlier Thursday as part of the Certified Irish Angus Beef Project
Read MoreHuge well done to Kate & Ruby on a fantastic day out in Dublin!
Read MoreCongratulations to Ruby and Kate for their winning entry in the Bord Bia Food for Thought Programme. 🎉
Read MoreTY Business completed a Mini-Company Workshop with Mr Garry Lowe from Student Enterprise Awards Cork. He gave the students an outline of the competition in the coming weeks and how to design their portfolios.
Read MoreOur T.Y. student’s presented Joyce and Mary two volunteers from the local branch of St Vincent de Paul with over €1500 from proceeds of both their sleepover and bake sale. A fantastic donation to a very deserving organisation.
Read MoreWell done to the transition year french class raising almost €400 for the local St. Vincent de Paul! Bravo à tous!
Read MoreThank you to everyone who donated food to this year's SVP food appeal that was organised by TY class 4C.
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